Pubdate: 10 Feb 1998
Source: The Bulletin 
Author: Rebbeca Christie 

Officials debate value of DARE

Central Oregon police are united in the effort to keep kids away from
drugs. But Drug Abuse Resistance Education hasn't drawn the same
unqualified support.

DARE programs are going strong in Bend and Redmond, which each devote one
officer to teaching the drug education classes. But the cirriculum was a
casualty of Deschutes County's budget this year. Sheriff Greg Brown says
the program is not successful enough to justify its cost.

" I can't justify a full-time deputy teaching DARE when people are waiting
for a deputy to come to their home." Brown said. " It comes back to

This is the first year the county has not had the program since it began in
the 1980's. Brown said there were no plans to bring it back for next year.

Prineville police also cut the program this year but hope to bring it back
next school year. Capt. Tim Pinkston said man power and a budget crunch
made it impossible this year. Next year, the city hopes to use federal
grant money to pay for a community police officer who will work with the
schools and teach the program.

DARE has recieved mixed reviews around the country. Some studies show no
difference in drug use rates between students who have and have not gone
through the program.

Others, including a Marion County study, say students who miss the program
are more likely to use drugs and alcohol.

Local proponents of the program say it's benefits extend beyond drug and
alcohol education. Jim Walsh, DARE officer with the Bend police, said
making kids more comfortable around police has wide-ranging effects. Kids
get to know police as human beings, he said. 

" The kids get to know that police aren't just driving around giving
tickets" said Craig Unger, Redmond's community relations officer and DARE

DARE involves a 17 week curriculum for all fifth-graders plus visits to
other grade levels.

The classes teach about the physical and psychological effects of drugs and
alcohol. Through role playing and discussion, they also teach more general
skills, such as self-confidence, assertiveness and standing up to peer

" The idea is to approach them first,educate them," Walsh said. " Hopefully
they'll be able to make the right choices when they are approached."

Buckingham Elementry, one of the Bend-La Pine schools that lost DARE this
year, has felt the absence of the program.

" I think it's a lost opportunity for a lot of students," said guidance
counselor Tom Troxell. " I'm sad to see it leave." He said students benefit
from seeing police in a netural situation, rather than on a home visit or
other crisis situation. As a counselor at Cascade Middle School, Troxell
said he asked visiting police officers to spend some time with a group of
kids in the lunch room. When the police caught those kids running around at
1 o'clock (am), they had a bond with them. It made things a lot easier,"
Troxell said.

The Culver and Jefferson County Schools have kept their DARE programs, and
the Madras Police Department has an officer who works extensively with the
high school and middle school.

Although the Deschutes County Sherriff's Department no longer teaches DARE,
a patrol deputy is stationed in La Pine schools, and other programs aimed
at youth include Juvenile Empowerment Teams in Sisters and La Pine.

" DARE was good at the time, but I think it's time to move on," Brown said.
" Officers are still making contact with the kids."

More than 750 fifth-graders at six Bend-La Pine elementry schools get DARE
instruction. Walsh also teaches DARE at Trinity Lutheran and St.Francis of
Asisi schools. The Bend Police Department funds supplies for all the
districts schools as well as Walsh's salary.

DARE is taught in four Redomnd elementry schools.

Unger estimates 60 to 70 percent of the kids who go through the Redmond
program stay away from drugs and alcohol when they get to high school. He
also touts DARE as being a cost effective way to reach fifth-graders.

" A lot of people say DARE isn't working," Unger said. " Well, if it
doesn't work, let's find something else. But let's not flush it down the
toilet. Anything is better than nothing."